"Is there not something more I could be doing for myself?”
“Is there nothing more I can do but take a prescription drug for the rest of my life?”
“Is it really just a matter of time until I will need surgery?”
Do you sense that there is something more you could be doing? Are you tired of being treated like a diagnosis—receiving costly diagnostic procedures and medicines? Are you getting helpful advice on what you can do for yourself; how diet, exercise and stress are contributing to your illness? Medicine, of any kind, is incomplete without education. I offer you personalized education. I teach you how to dramatically improve your health through eating, exercise, thinking and relating.
Students come to me with MS, cancer, heart disease, digestive problems, and especially illnesses that defy conventional diagnosis and treatment. As a doctor, I am trained to understand the metabolic, biochemical causes and treatments of disease. As a teacher, I understand how illness is caused and treated by diet, exercise and stress. I do not merely inform you that you need to improve your diet or get more exercise; I teach, inspire and support you to do this. I teach you how to make lasting, and effective changes in your life.

I invite you to get tuned-in to your own power and know that you have control over illness, rather than relying on doctors and prescriptions. You will see clearly the rewards of living present and in your body, creating your own health. I invite you to feel deeply understood and cared about by your doctor, and strongly supported by guidance and teaching.
Build a close relationship with a doctor who treats you, not your disease.
I offer you myself to you as a mentor and a teacher. I will translate your medical problems into meaningful, understandable projects to work on and we will begin right where you are, right now. Your strengths and weaknesses are brought compassionately out into the light.
My greatest love and skill is teaching you self-mastery—how to master your own behavior and ultimately heal yourself.
The work that I do complements any other doctor's work. If you want to do more for yourself, if you want to do what ONLY YOU can do for yourself, you’ve come to the right place.
"The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."
― Thomas A. Edison
My greatest love and skill is teaching you self-mastery—how to master your own behavior. The changes that you make can heal your disease. Self-mastery sounds like you might have to grit your teeth, but you don't. Self-mastery is about kindness, understanding and compassion.
This is the way I live. I have learned how to do this through my own experience. As a physician, I understand the biochemical causes of disease. As a teacher, I will guide you to transform your behaviours and your health. Over my adult life I have studied, practiced and evolved my own unique ways of eating, exercise, self-reflection and relating. I have faced the challenges and reaped the benefits. I understand them intimately. I do not impose my ways. I encourage my students to explore various approaches to movement, self-reflection, and eating. I provide my clients valuable instruction in how to practice as I practice. The essential work is wrestling with your own limits.
I welcome the opportunity to teach you to heal yourself. I look forward to sharing with you what means so much to me. Book your health evaluation with me to get started on your journey to self-healing.