Summer Webinar Series 2023
One Week Experiments in Self-Healing
Every Wednesday Morning
All Summer 2023
Donations Appreciated
Wednesday, June 21st, 2023 (6/21/23) Introduction to Self-Healing
Wednesday, June 28th, 2023 (6/28/23) Benefits & Experimentation with Mono Diets
​Launch an experimentation with eating only seasonal fruit and vegetables (every week of the series). I'll suggest a new fruit or vegetable throughout this summer series. This second session will speak to the benefits, cautions and challenges of mono diets. Let's do this-- especially during the summer months when there is so much bounty.
Wednesday, July 5th, 2023 (7/5/23) Power Journaling & Mirror Work
Learn to slow your mind, calm your emotions and become a loving friend to ourselves with the practice of journaling. Create a new, authentic and loving dialogue with yourself with mirror work.
Wednesday, July 12th, 2023 (7/12/23) Natural Posturing & Grounding
Learn to deeply relax, align your body and mind by coming into harmony with the gravity of the earth.
Wednesday, July 19th, 2023 (7/19/23) Healing Addictiveness and Cravings
Let's explore the root of what perpetuates our addictions and cravings. All the healing required varies individually. No healing can happen if we don't have more than the tools that got and keep us addicted. There are many tools, yet in this session let's experiment with a 10 minute and 30 second breathing meditative practice that weakens and dispels cravings.
Wednesday, July 26th, 2023 (7/26/23) The Power Found in Breath
Learn a natural way of breathing that will vitalize your, calm your anxiety and reveal guidance.
Open your diaphram and heal shallow breathing
Learn how to use your breath to heal anxiety and tension in the body
Learn ancient healing breath techniques
Leave this sessions fully revitalized! Indeed, come to this sessions tired or fatigued and experience the vast contrast and benefits of a variety of breath evening and deepening practices.
Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023 (8/2/23) 3 Minute Work-Out
The best. Learn to strengthen, relax and energize yourself throughout your day.
Wednesday, August 9th, 2023 (8/9/23) Healing Time Scarcity & Rushing
Amazing training in how to annihilate our unconscious compulsive need to constantly rush whether we are driving, brushing teeth or waiting in a grocery line. Our minds are constantly on the next thing. This is an entire session dedicated to being in the body, in this moment, enjoying every second.
Wednesday, August 16th, 2023 (8/16/23) Transform Conscience into a Guardian Angel
Learn to tame your shame, self-criticism and self-doubt. Find peace, power and meanng where before we found only pain.
Wednesday, August 23rd, 2023 (8/23/23) Maintaining Newly Developed Practice
This is the heart. How do we defend and protect our life-giving practices of eating, working out and self-reflection that we have worked so hard to establish.
Suggested Donation: $20. per session
Every training gives you a direct, embodied, meditative experience of the subject, an inspiring, evidence based lecture, and intimate conversations with other participants.
You will be trained in a specific self-healing practice that you can do in 5 minutes or in 5 seconds to vitalize your body and soothe your anxiety.
Eating experiments such as mono diets you will do throughout each day for the week or as many days as you choose.
The first 20 minutes of each session I will interview participants from the previous week about their experiences.
At most sessions I will be joined by another doctor who will offer a presentation that deepens our understanding of the topic.